Sunday, April 11, 2010

I've just spent the day geeking out...

I'm trying to see where my new baby has it's failings.

So far, I still haven't quite fixed the audio issue, but everything else is running far smoother than I expected.

For most of the afternoon, I was running iTunes, downloading LARGE (nearly 1 GB each) files, and doing some 3D CAD modelling... the computer never skipped a beat. Next up, I'll likely have to throw some heavy Photo rendering in on top of that.

On another topic, I was at the pub this evening, and out the corner of my eye, saw an infomercial for LifeLock- hosted by Montel Williams, in which the guest "security expert" was none other than Kevin Mitnick. I realize that there are only a few of us who have any idea who he is, but without getting into details, I have to say that it's nice to see that he's found a respectable job. If there's going to be a poster child for protecting yourself from hackers, it should be him.

That's all for now,
